Cast From The Liberté (2019)

1. Volledige Cast van Liberté (Film, 2019) -

  • Productie · Felix von Boehm · Montse Triola · Marta Alves · Elisabeth Pawlowski · Claire Lion · Albert Serra · Joaquim Sapinho · Pierre-Olivier Bardet.

  • Volledig overzicht van alle acteurs en actrices in de film Liberté (2019)

2. Liberté (2019) - Cast & crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Cast 15 · Helmut Berger. Duke of Walchen · Marc Susini. Count de Tesis · Laura Poulvet. Ms. de Jensling · Alexander García Düttmann. Count Alexis Danshire · Lluís ...

  • Het is het jaar 1774. Dame Dumeval, de hertog van Tesis en de hertog van Wand zijn Franse Libertijnen die van het puriteins hof van Lodewijk XVI verbannen worden. Ze trekken naar Duitsland waar ze de hertog van Walchen opzoeken. Hun missie is om hun levensstijl in Duitsland over te brengen. Tevens hebben ze een veilige plek nodig om deze manier van leven ongeremd voort te zetten.

3. Alle acteurs in Liberté (film, 2019) -

4. Liberté - Full Cast & Crew - TV Guide

  • Liberté - Full Cast & Crew ; Director · Albert Serra ; Writer · Albert Serra ; Composer · Marc Verdaguer ; Cinematographer · Artur Tort ...

  • Learn more about the full cast of Liberté with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide

5. Liberté (Film, 2019) -

  • Duke of Walchen · Count de Tesis · Ms. de Jensling · Count Alexis Danshire · Armin · Libertine · Mrs. Montavrile · Mrs. de Dumeval / Duke of Tesis.

  • Drama film geregisseerd door Albert Serra. Met Helmut Berger, Marc Susini en Iliana Zabeth.

6. Liberté (2019) - Cast & Crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Cast 15 · Helmut Berger. Duke of Walchen · Marc Susini. Count de Tesis · Laura Poulvet. Ms. de Jensling · Alexander García Düttmann. Count Alexis Danshire.

  • 1774, poco prima della Rivoluzione francese, da qualche parte tra Potsdam e Berlino. Madame de Dumeval, il duca de Tesis e il duca de Wand, libertini espulsi dalla corte puritana di Luigi XVI, cercano l'appoggio del leggendario Duc de Walchen, seduttore e libero pensatore tedesco, solitario in un paese dove regnano ipocrisia e false virtù. La loro missione è esportare il libertinaggio, una filosofia illuministica fondata sul rifiuto dei confini morali e delle autorità, ma soprattutto trovare un luogo sicuro dove perseguire i propri giochi erranti, dove la ricerca del piacere non obbedisca più a leggi diverse da quelle dettate da desideri inappagati.

7. Liberté (2019) - MUBI

  • Just before the French Revolution, a group of libertines expelled from the court of Louis XVI flees for Germany, where they rendezvous with the legendary ...

  • Just before the French Revolution, a group of libertines expelled from the court of Louis XVI flees for Germany, where they rendezvous with the legendary seducer and freethinker the Duc de Walchen. Their goal? Export libertinage, a philosophy centered on the rejection of morality and authority.

8. Liberté (2019) directed by Albert Serra • Reviews, film + cast - Letterboxd

  • 1774, shortly before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin. Madame de Dumeval, the Duke de Tesis and the Duke de Wand, ...

  • 1774, shortly before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin. Madame de Dumeval, the Duke de Tesis and the Duke de Wand, libertines expelled from the puritanical court of Louis XVI, seek the support of the legendary Duc de Walchen, German seducer and freethinker, lonely in a country where hypocrisy and false virtue reign. Their mission is to export libertinage, a philosophy of enlightenment founded on the rejection of moral boundaries and authorities, but moreover to find a safe place to pursue their errant games, where the quest for pleasure no longer obeys laws other than those dictated by unfulfilled desires.

9. Liberté - Andergraun Films

  • Actors: Helmut Berger, Marc Susini, Baptiste Pinteaux, Iliana Zabeth, Laura Poulvet, Lluís Serrat, Alex García Düttmann, Théodora Marcadé, Xavier Pérez, ...

  • 1774, shortly before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin.

10. Liberté (Film, Drama, 2019) kijken -

  • Liberté · Genre. Drama · Regisseur. Albert Serra · Cast. Alexander García Düttmann, Arnaud Guy, Baptiste Pinteaux, Cătălin Jugravu, Elizabete Francisca, Francesc ...

  • film · Speelfilm

11. Liberté - Cineuropa

  • LIBERTÉ ; release date: FR 4/09/2019, DE 12/09/2019, ES 15/11/2019 ; screenplay: Albert Serra ; cast: Lluís Serrat, Marc Susini, Theodora Marcadé, Helmut Berger, ...

  • Cineuropa - the best of european cinema

Cast From The Liberté (2019)
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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.