1. Blue Valentine - VPRO Cinema
Cast: Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams, Faith Wladyka, John Doman, Mike Vogel, Carey Louis Westbrook, Enid Graham ; Scenario: Derek Cianfrance, Cami Delavigne, ...
Rauwe tragedie over de eerste en de laatste dagen uit de liefdesgeschiedenis tussen Dean (Gosling) en Cindy (Williams). De zes jaar die zit tussen hun eerste vluchtige ontmoeting en de uiteindelijke explosie van opgekropte frustraties die het einde van hun huwelijk inleidt, mag de kijker zelf invullen. Gosling en Williams spatten van het scherm, met dank aan de vernuftige regie van debutant Cianfrance, die zijn twee hoofdrolspelers eerst dwong te leven als een hecht gezin, inclusief fictieve dochter, en ze vervolgens op de set tot wanhoop dreef.
2. Blue Valentine - Rotten Tomatoes
Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams) live a quiet life in a modest neighborhood. To the casual observer, everything appears normal, ...
Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams) live a quiet life in a modest neighborhood. To the casual observer, everything appears normal, if a bit subdued. But a closer examination reveals a couple caught in a downward spiral. They appear to have the world at their feet at the outset of the relationship. However, his lack of ambition and her retreat into self-absorption cause potentially irreversible cracks in their marriage.
3. Blue Valentine - Full Cast & Crew - TV Guide
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Learn more about the full cast of Blue Valentine with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide
4. Volledige Cast van Blue Valentine (Film, 2010) - MovieMeter.nl
Hier vind je een overzicht van de cast van de film Blue Valentine uit het jaar 2010, met onder andere alle acteurs, actrices en de regisseur.
Volledig overzicht van alle acteurs en actrices in de film Blue Valentine (2010)
5. Blue Valentine (2010) - Cast & Crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Cast 33 · Ryan Gosling. Dean · Michelle Williams. Cindy · John Doman. Jerry · Mike Vogel. Bobby · Ben Shenkman. Dr. Feinberg · Jen Jones. Gramma · Maryann Plunkett.
Dean and Cindy live a quiet life in a modest neighborhood. They appear to have the world at their feet at the outset of the relationship. However, his lack of ambition and her retreat into self-absorption cause potentially irreversible cracks in their marriage.
6. Blue Valentine (2010) - MUBI
Cast & Crew · Derek CianfranceDirección, Guión · Mike VogelReparto · John DomanReparto · Ryan GoslingReparto, Producción ejecutiva · Michelle WilliamsReparto, ...
On the far side of a once-passionate romance, Cindy and Dean are married with a young daughter. Hoping to save their marriage, they steal away to a theme hotel, where they’re flooded with memories of when they met and fell in love—full of life and hope.
7. Blue Valentine (Film, 2010) - MovieMeter.nl
Bevat niet: name | Resultaten tonen met:name
Drama / Romantiek film geregisseerd door Derek Cianfrance. Met Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams en Faith Wladyka.
8. Blue Valentine (2010) - Filmaffinity
Blue Valentine is a film directed by Derek Cianfrance with Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams, Mike Vogel, John Doman, Ben Shenkman .... Year: 2010.
Genre: Romance | Synopsis: Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams) have been together for six years, during which they have enjoyed passionate love, had a child and decided to marry. But suddenly their love ...
9. Blue Valentine (2010) directed by Derek Cianfrance - Letterboxd
Dean and Cindy live a quiet life in a modest neighborhood. They appear to have the world at their feet at the outset of the relationship.
Dean and Cindy live a quiet life in a modest neighborhood. They appear to have the world at their feet at the outset of the relationship. However, his lack of ambition and her retreat into self-absorption cause potentially irreversible cracks in their marriage.
10. BLUE VALENTINE - Festival de Cannes
18 mei 2010 · Blue Valentine is the story of love found and love lost told in past and present moments in time. Flooded with romantic memories of their courtship.
Blue Valentine is the story of love found and love lost told in past and present moments in time. Flooded with romantic memories of their courtship, Dean and Cindy use one night to try and save their failing marriage. Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams star in this honest portrait of a relationship on the rocks.